Car Insurance: Things You Hadn’t Considered

If you’re relatively new to the world of car insurance, it can be difficult to discern useful information and facts from fiction online.

If you’re relatively new to the world of car insurance, it can be difficult to discern useful information and facts from fiction online.

Some websites tell you one thing while a blog post might tell you another. One thing we know for sure is you should be able to find the best information you can about car insurance and know what kinds of factors affect your rate.

In this article, we’ll discuss those factors as well as a few other things you hadn’t considered for your vehicle insurance.

Your Driving Record Is Very Influential

Your driving record is probably the most influential factor on your car insurance rate. Bad marks like at-fault accidents, driving offences, and license suspensions can all cause a spike in your insurance premium. Even if you have a flawless driving record, factors like how long your daily commute is and how long you’ve been licensed are all used to calculate your premium.

Car Insurance

How Often Do You Drive?

If you have a long commute each way, you’ll have to pay a higher premium since you’re increasing your risk by being out on the road more. This is verified by how many kilometers is the car driven one way to work.

What Kind of Car Do You Drive?

Insurance providers use a table of statistics that show the cost of repairs to a particular model of cars.  Higher premiums are charged on vehicles where cost of repairs is high or the type of car is target for thieves. That being said, vehicle features with anti-theft and collision avoidance technologies can help lower your premium.

Can I Reduce My Premium?

There are a couple of things you can do to reduce car costs in general, and also your car premium.

First, opting for a higher deductible can easily reduce your monthly premium. Evaluate your budget and see how much money you can reasonably spend out of pocket before insurance kicks in. Also weigh this against any other high deductibles you might have like for home insurance.

Second, look for discounts. Many insurance providers will offer discounts if you bundle your policies. You can also reduce your premium by paying your coverage for the entire year rather than month to month.

Car insurance shouldn’t be difficult to understand. Knowing what kinds of factors increase and decrease your premium is powerful knowledge to have.

Money Journey

Money Journey

One comment

  1. […] Any vehicle being driven on the road needs to have insurance, whether it’s a personal vehicle or a business vehicle. For businesses that operate large fleets of vehicles – bus companies, taxi firms, delivery companies – it is impractical to insure all of them individually, not to mention time-consuming. That’s where motor fleet insurance comes in. […]

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