personal finance
How to Take Control of Your Finances
Today we have a guest post from Angela. Angela Colon is a freelance blogger and copywriter with a passion for person finance. Some people have a knack for personal finance. They can save most of their money, spend, but never get…
5 Tips to Get a Fast-Approved Personal Loan this 2018
We all need the help of loans every now and then. Sometimes, we just lose lack enough savings or disposable income that we need a little leverage. Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal and that’s why there’s a number of different loans out…
6 Benefits of Financial Planning
You may receive a great deal of money back in your depository financial institution account. But all important financial planning will lead you towards financial success. Financial planning is not only close to reducing consumption but will also assist you to handle…
Underwater Mortgages Explained
Being underwater with your mortgage loan means your home is now worth much less than its original value. Say you purchased a home worth $200K. After paying the first few mortgage installments, you find out your home is now worth…
How to start an emergency fund from scratch
Everyone is (or should be) aware of the importance of saving money for unexpected, yet needed, expenses. But how do you start an emergency fund from scratch? Without doubt, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, in any given…