Would you like to have your article published on a personal finance blog?
I gladly accept quality guest posts from fellow personal finance bloggers!
If you’re looking to write a guest post, promoting your non-commercial personal finance blog, here are a few guidelines to get you started:
- topic of your guest posts must be related to personal finance (if you’re looking for personal finance topics, browse the money blog for inspiration);
- all articles should be original and UNIQUE (that means you cannot publish your article anywhere else);
- guest posts should be at least 700-800 words or longer (don’t be afraid to unfold your words, the longer the article, the better);
- external linking is allowed, as long as you link to other non-commercial personal finance blogs or helpful resources (statistics, interviews, etc), relevant to the content of your article. If you represent a company looking to advertise, we should talk about advertising solutions;
- you could provide a short bio -> a couple of phrases about yourself are perfect (+ a link to your personal finance website, of course);
- please be around to reply to comments at least for a few days after your post goes online;
- no need to worry about formatting the text and providing images, I’ll take care of it before publishing your post.
If these guidelines sound OK to you, contact me at adriana@moneyjourneytoday.com and let’s see how soon can your article go live!